Heart of Allen

Allen School Core Values and Common Courtesies

Allen School’s Core Values and Common Courtesies are expected to be followed and demonstrated by all members of the school community.

Allen School’s Core Values:

Caring • Honesty • Perseverance • Respect • Responsibility

Allen School’s Common Courtesies:

“Please.” • “Thank you.” • “Good morning” or “Good afternoon.” • “I apologize for…” • “Excuse me.”

Allen School Rules and Code of Conduct

All members of Allen School functions under four overarching rules:

1) Be Kind.

2) Be Safe.

3) Be Responsible.

4) Be Respectful.

Students in our school come from diverse cultural norms and family dynamics. Many are learning to come together in one place and may have not learned school norms and codes of conduct. Our overarching rules are also goals as we know these are things all humans must strive for every day. We want students to have ample opportunities to learn expected positive behaviors at school. In order for students to be successful, grow, and learn, they must develop positive relationships with all adults and their peers. All adults will model positive relationships, teach appropriate behaviors explicitly, and provide positive reinforcement of behaviors expected at school. As students learn, they will have opportunities to be recognized for their positive behavior.

Allen Eagle Tickets

We try to catch students doing the right thing with Allen Eagle Tickets throughout the day. The tickets can be saved and redeemed for lunch with the principal, saved for the Eagle’s Nest store, or can be placed into grade level tubs and names are randomly pulled each week to acknowledge students by name and reward them with school treats.

As a reminder, students on campus cannot get these from their own homeroom teacher, but they can earn them from any other staff member.  Students cannot trade, sell, or barter these tickets.  They are not transactional tickets and become null and void if not used by the student who received the ticket. Students cannot ask for them or perform tasks in order to receive them.  The tickets are intended to promote students demonstrating the school’s Core Values and Common Courtesies.

Students can earn tickets to use at this store!
Eagle’s Nest Store

Teachers will also conduct classroom meetings called “Meet Ups” to discuss and share examples of kind, safe, respectful, and responsible behavior. Finally, all families are invited every Monday morning for our Meet Up Mondays on the playground. This is an opportunity for us to get together as a school community and focus on a particular school goal and engage in a Sanford Harmony Quick Connection (this is a fun question to get to know another person a bit better!). See you Mondays!

Inner Explorer Account for Parents and Guardians

Create an account for your family to practice mindfulness and self-control techniques at home:

Safety Rules for Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up

FOR THE SAKE OF STUDENT SAFETY and to help the flow of traffic, we respectfully insist that ALL parents/guardians and family members who drive students to and from school follow these rules:

  1. ALWAYS drop students off at the traffic loop in front of the 800 building.
  2. Pick students up in front of the 800 building.
  4. DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF ALLEN SCHOOL for purposes of drop-off or picking-up your child. Cars attempting to back out of the parking spaces often tie up traffic. We are fortunate to have a large parking lot in front of the 800 building for your convenience.
  5. NEVER DOUBLE PARK. If you will be getting out of your car, please park in a marked space at Ann Daly.
  6. BE POLITE TO OTHER DRIVERS, OUR PARENT PATROL, AND THE STUDENT SAFETY PATROL. Our children learn from the positive behaviors that we model.
  7. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP WITHIN 10 MINUTES OF DISMISSAL. Please do not leave your children unattended on the school grounds as there is no after-school supervision.

If you need after-school care for your child, please consider the YMCA childcare program. The school office can give you further information.

A Safe and Diverse School for All

The Chula Vista Elementary School District is a safe and welcoming district for all students and their families. Guided by student achievement data and other forms of evidence, we will ensure that our academic instruction in language arts and mathematics actively works to close opportunity gaps between students identified as fluent English only and those in our identified target groups, including English Learners, Students with Disabilities, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) youth, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning + (LGBTQ+ youth) and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students. We are conscious of providing age-appropriate and developmentally-appropriate lessons and activities around identity that meet all of our students’ needs when addressing the diversity of our community, including LGBTQ-visibility and inclusion. Our goal is to work together as one community through this practice. We encourage you to reach out to us or our teachers throughout the year if you have any questions or would like further information as we support our students in this important work.

To learn more about our school and district’s effort regarding equity and access, please visit this page: https://allenelementary.org/equity-and-access/